Creative Biogene is offering a comprehensive screen of cellular and biochemical nuclear receptor assays to profile your compounds. Measurements of ligand binding activity, NRs translocation, and NR-coregulator interaction are included to characterize the selectivity and potential off-target events. With our extraordinary experience in drug discovery programs targeting nuclear receptors, our scientists are able to help you accelerate your research program and significantly increase your chance of reaching success.

Creative Biogene offers a broad portfolio of assays to meet your project objectives. Our comprehensive nuclear receptor assays are including HTS, IC50 determination and selectivity, glucocorticoid receptor, progesterone receptor, androgen receptor, mineralocorticoid receptor, ror gamma t receptor, estrogen receptor, retinoic acid receptor binding and profiling assays. Other than existing assays, Creative Biogene has also developed customized assays for the clients. Our nuclear receptor experts can provide the highest quality data under rapid turnaround time evaluating your compounds’ efficacy, potency, and selectivity to make the critical decisions regarding compound liabilities. If you plan to set up a nuclear receptor screening and profiling program, we are here to help.

Nuclear receptors (NRs) are a class of proteins responsible for sensing steroid and thyroid hormones and certain other molecules. There are 48 genes in the human genome that code for the NRs. The myriad molecular pathways modulated by NRs including but not limited to inflammation, lipid metabolism, apoptosis, extracellular matrix regulation, energy metabolism, and angiogenesis. These pathways’ processes can impact human health, such as general homeostasis, growth, and proliferation, which enable NRs to become the important therapeutic targets in the pathology of cancer, inflammation, and many other diseases for decades.