Picking out the right cigar is just a part of the whole process. With so many options out there to choose from, you may assume that all hope is lost and you will never be able to make this work. But once you have worked with a trusted cigar shop and walked out with a cigar that you would like to try, it is time to get down to business. From there, you will need to work on cutting, lighting, and smoking the cigar as well.
First, we need to cut the cigar. Always remember that if you do it the wrong way and you cut the cigar at the wrong part, it is likely that your experience is going to be ruined, even if you get a more expensive cigar. So, make sure that you do this the right way. Only cut off a small part of the cap, the part that is close to the head of the cigar. Cutting it off here, rather than the whole cap, will make sure that the structure will stay intact the entire time you use it.
Then it is time to work on lighting the cigar. You will want to take the cigar and position it near and a bit above the flame, but do not touch that fire. Then you can rotate the cigar around evenly to make sure that it gets heated all over. Wait until the edges of your foot start to turn black. Start puffing on it to see whether it is burning through evenly like it should, or if it is time to redo the process to get it right.
From here, it is time to start smoking the cigar. It is not recommended to not inhale a cigar when smoking it, or you may be a bit overwhelmed by the taste and aroma. The cigar is supposed to be enjoyed at a relaxed and slow pace and it is going to burn at that rate. You will miss out on the experience if you try to smoke it too quickly, so use caution.
Picking out and using the right cigar can turn any day into a good day. But figuring out who to go to when it is time to purchase a high-quality cigar is going to take some time and effort as well. And that is why you need to trust our team to make this so much easier. We are proud to offer a wide selection of handcrafted premium cigars for you to choose from, ensuring that you will be able to make the right choice each time. Contact us today to learn more and to make your own purchase!